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The information on this page is listed aimed exclusively at doctors and health professionals.

It is not for use by the general public and cannot be taken as an indication to self-medicate, supplement, substitute or change the treatment indications that are indicated by a doctor.

Health treatments, especially when they include prescription drugs (those that are only sold with a medical formula), must be defined, guided and monitored at all times by a doctor .

For this reason, if you are not a doctor or health professional, you should refrain from consulting the information included here. about medications. If you agree, it is clear that you do so with full knowledge of what this implies and, therefore, Laboratorios ECAR is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may cause the use that you decide to give the information contained in this page.


It is a drug. Do not exceed your consumption. Read indications and contraindications in the packaging. If symptoms persist consult your doctor.

Cetirizina Jarabe

Nombre Genérico - Cetirizina Diclorhidrato

Registro sanitario

Cetirizina Jarabe 5mg/5mL
Colombia INVIMA 2021M-0013647-R1
El Salvador F010409032017
Guatemala PF-54381-2017
Nicaragua 1165760919
Panamá 116207
República Dominicana RM2019-1045


Indicado para el tratamiento de síntomas asociados a enfermedades alérgicas como: rinitis alérgica estacional (incluyendo los síntomas oculares), rinitis alérgica perenne, urticaria crónica idiopática.


Cetirizina Jarabe 5mg/5mL  Env x 60 mL

Contraindicaciones y advertencias

Contraindicada en pacientes con historia de hipersensibilidad a la levocetirizina, a cualquier otro componente de la formulación o a cualquier derivado piperazínico. Pacientes con enfermedad renal terminal con una aclaración de creatinina inferior a 10 ml/min.

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